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A Data Visualization of Korean movie critics. link
Tons of new movies are released every year and the accumulated number of film reviews is increasing. When we are going to choose a movie to watch, we can judge them by diverse preferences such as genre, director or actors.
There mgiht be no doubt that review and star ratings are two of the most popular qualites and this can be proved by looking at information page of NAVER movie that star ratings from real audience, critic and user are located right bellow the title of a movie.
In addition, one of the well-knwon movie recommendation service, Watcha, uses star rating for its core recommendation system.
Anyone can post reviews or make star ratings and we usually classify them based on who made it, an ordinary user, or a critic. By the definition on Wikipedia, a critic is a person who is professional at an area and his or her publish an opinion and assessments of various forms of creative work such as movie. Critical judgments, whether derived from critical thinking or not, may be positive, negative, or balanced, weighing a combination of factors.
Recently, however, lots of questions are made by lots of movie fans that "Are reviews of critics really considerable or not?"
This is where I started this project. As a movie fan, I statistically compared the patterns of star ratings from ordinary users and critics. To generalized the analysis, I comapred critics of Korean withMetacritic and Rotten Tomatoes. The result can be conceived as a proof whether skepticism about the quality of critics is right or not.
Now, enjoy yourself :)
There is no negative or positive opinion on any specific critics. Data is just a refinement of numbers, nothing else.
2015 Kim Tae Hoon.

The MIT License (MIT)