2014년 8월 18일 월요일

[Python] emoji


Emoji is a simple Python module.
This project was inspired by emoji of kyokomi.
PyPi version PyPi downloads PyPi status PyPi license


To install ndrive, simply:
$ pip install emoji


from emoji import emojize

print emojize("Python is :thumbsup:")
print emojize("Do you want some :beer: ?")





Taehoon Kim / @carpedm20

2014년 8월 3일 일요일

[Python] korail2


Korail (www.letskorail.com) wrapper for Python.
This project was inspired from korail of devxoul.
korail is not working anymore becuase of a huge change in Korail API.


To install korail2, simply:
$ pip install korail2
Or, you can use:
$ easy_install korail2
Or, you can also install manually:
$ git clone git://github.com/carpedm20/korail2.git
$ cd korail2
$ python setup.py install


1. Login

First, you need to create a Korail object.
>>> from korail2 import Korail
>>> korail = Korail("12345678", YOUR_PASSWORD) # with membership number
>>> korail = Korail("carpedm20@gmail.com", YOUR_PASSWORD) # with email
>>> korail = Korail("010-9964-xxxx", YOUR_PASSWORD) # with phone number

2. Search train

You can search train schedules search_train method. search_train method takes these arguments:
  • dep : A departure station in Korean ex) '서울'
  • arr : A arrival station in Korean ex) '부산'
  • date : (optional) A departure date in yyyyMMdd format
  • time : (optional) A departure time in hhmmss format
  • train_type: (optional) A type of train
    • 00: KTX
    • 01: 새마을호
    • 02: 무궁화호
    • 03: 통근열차
    • 04: 누리로
    • 05: 전체 (기본값)
    • 06: 공학직통
    • 07: KTX-산천
    • 08: ITX-새마을
    • 09: ITX-청춘
Below is a sample code of search_train:
>>> dep = '서울'
>>> arr = '동대구'
>>> date = '20140815'
>>> time = '144000'
>>> trains = korail.search_train(dep, arr, date, time)
[[KTX] 8월 3일, 서울~부산(11:00~13:42) [특실:1][일반실:1] 예약가능,
 [ITX-새마을] 8월 3일, 서울~부산(11:04~16:00) [일반실:1] 예약가능,
 [무궁화호] 8월 3일, 서울~부산(11:08~16:54) [일반실:0] 입석 역발매중,
 [ITX-새마을] 8월 3일, 서울~부산(11:50~16:50) [일반실:0] 입석 역발매중,
 [KTX] 8월 3일, 서울~부산(12:00~14:43) [특실:1][일반실:1] 예약가능,
 [KTX] 8월 3일, 서울~부산(12:30~15:13) [특실:1][일반실:1] 예약가능,
 [KTX] 8월 3일, 서울~부산(12:40~15:45) [특실:1][일반실:1] 예약가능,
 [KTX] 8월 3일, 서울~부산(12:55~15:26) [특실:1][일반실:1] 예약가능,
 [KTX] 8월 3일, 서울~부산(13:00~15:37) [특실:1][일반실:1] 예약가능,
 [KTX] 8월 3일, 서울~부산(13:10~15:58) [특실:1][일반실:1] 예약가능]

3. Make a reservation

You can get your tickes with tickets method.
>>> trains = korail.search_train(dep, arr, date, time)
>>> seat = korail.reserve(trains[0])
동일시간대 예약발매내역이 있습니다.
>>> seat
[KTX] 8월 3일, 서울~부산(11:00~:) 16호 6A

4. Get tickets

You can get your tickes with tickets method.
>>> tickets = k.tickets()
>>> tickets
[[KTX] 8월 10일, 동대구~울산(09:26~09:54) => 5호 4A, 13900원]

How do I get the Korail API

  1. Extract Korail apk from mobile phone
  2. Decompile apk using dex2jar
  3. Read a jar code using jdgui
  4. Edit a smaili code
  5. Recompile a new Korail apk using apktool
  6. Key signing with motizen-sign
  7. Upload and run a new Korail apk
  8. Capture packets and analyze the API


  1. Distinguish adult and child
  2. Make an option to select special seat or general seat when reserving
  3. Make an option to reserve multiple seats at a time
  4. Implement payment API


Source codes are distributed under BSD license.


Taehoon Kim / @carpedm20

2014년 8월 2일 토요일

[Django] UNIST Auction

UNIST Auction

Auction for UNIST


Copyright :copyright: 2014 Kim Tae Hoon.
The MIT License (MIT)

[Python] LINE


PyPi versionPyPi downloadsPyPi statusPyPi license
May the LINE be with you...
The documentation is available at here



Source codes are distributed under BSD license.


Taehoon Kim / @carpedm20